Research in Naithani Lab focuses on understanding the impacts of climate change and land use on ecosystem structure, functions, and services, with the goal of developing community-based solutions for regenerative natural resource management.
Kusum is not accepting new students into her research group until 2026. For information about Biology Graduate Programs and potential faculty sponsors, please contact the Biology Graduate Studies Coordinator Dr. J. D. Willson (email:
Honey Gaur joined the lab as a doctoral student. Welcome to the group!
Dr. Lilia Stemet joined the lab as BIOLEAPS project coordinator. Welcome to the group!
Dr. Mitchell Pruitt joined the lab as visiting assistant professor. Welcome to the group!
Our recent work shows that multi-trophic diversity increases with increasing landscape complexity.
Kusum is starting her rotation as NSF Program Director in Ecosystem Science cluster!
We are looking for the BioLEAPS Project Coordinator. Please apply here.
Kusum presented results from the rice phenotyping work at the International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics in Little Rock. September 9-11, 2024.
Congratulations to Eston for successfully completing his candidacy exam! 🎉 🎈
EcoREU 2024 Program has successfully concluded this week. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the dedicated students and mentors whose invaluable contributions made it an outstanding success!
Kusum Visited Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea for KSMB-SMB 2024 Meeting.
Congratulations to Chris on his well-deserved graduation and new position as Biology Instructor! 🎉 Wishing you all the best as you embark on this exciting new chapter of your life.
We had a great time at the IALE-NA meeting in OKC! I am proud of all of you for delivering amazing presentations, accepting audience feedback gracefully, and making thoughtful professional connections.
We (IALE-NA Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee) received a five year IMPLEMENTATION award from NSF for Shifting Culture and Mitigating Inequities in Landscape Ecology Through a Collaborative Network of Professional Societies.
Congratulations to Dr. Ayanna St Rose on her well-deserved graduation and multiple job offers! 🎉 Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we can't wait to hear about your next adventures! Wishing you all the best as you embark on this exciting new chapter of your life.
Please contact Kusum if you are interested in submitting abstract to the Next Gen Sensors workshop at the Plant and Genome Meeting in January 2024.
Congratulations to Alexis for successfully completing her candidacy exam!
Our recent work shows that field conditions are best suited to quantify phenotypic differences across different genotypes and non-sequential method was better at capturing the variability in photosynthesis.
EcoREU 2023 Program has successfully concluded this week. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the dedicated students and mentors whose invaluable contributions made it an outstanding success!
Eston and Kusum visited ICIPE in Nairobi, Kenya.
Kusum visited International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Nairobi, Kenya.
Kusum visited Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya.
Kusum presented Borneo project work at the IALE-World Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Eston presented a poster on adaptive fisheries management at the IALE-World Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ayanna presented a poster on remote sensing tools for multi-trophic biodiversity estimation at the IALE-World Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Megan is visiting the campus for sharing her experience with the EcoREU cohort this summer!
Congratulations to Harrison for the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Predoctoral Fellowship!
Alexis and Ayanna are learning how to use NEON data at NEON Unconference in Boulder this summer!
We are thrilled and proud to welcome and host 10 talented interns in our EcoREU program! These bright minds will be joining mentors from Fulbright, Bumpers, and Engineering Colleges to work on projects focused on ecosystem services.
(Photo L to R: Lizzy, Emma, Claire, Lia, Nina, Kusum (Host), Jason, Isabelle, Necia, Austin, and Helen (not in the picture) )
Congratulations to Alexis on the summer internship at NJ States Parks as a Yale Environmental Fellow!
Congratulations to Eston on the summer internship at ORNL!
Ayanna is learning how to use NEON data with NCAR models at a NEON/NCAR Workshop in Boulder this summer!
Congratulations to Yang Kai on his well-deserved graduation! 🎉 Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we are thrilled to see you embark on this exciting new chapter of your life. Wishing you all the best as you dive into your internship! May this opportunity be filled with growth and learning experiences. You've got this!
Thank you everyone for your hard work!!!
We are proud to welcome Robert in our group as a new PhD student!
Our recent work shows that logging and forest conversion significantly affect soil microbial diversity and can have lasting effects on carbon cycling in tropical montane forests.
Read our recent work on successes, pitfalls, and opportunities for developing open education resources through community-driven collaborations.
Our recent work shows that global food and beverage industry lacks transparency on climate goals and targets, and needs a clear path for monitoring, reporting, and verification of GHG emissions.
Read our recent work highlighting the role of NEON data for next generation ecology research and education.
Kusum participated as panelist in a plenary session of IALE-North America to support DEI efforts in the society.
Congratulations to Ayanna for successfully defending her thesis in Biological Analytics!
Goodbye 2021 and Welcome 2022!
We said goodbye to Megan, Colby, Ashley, and Leiah with an end of the semester celebration and ended 2021 with some new additions to our YouTube Channel EcologyTalks. Happy Holidays everyone!
L to R: Megan, Ashley, Leiah, Kusum, Ben, Colby, Kusum, Megan, Kusum, Ayanna, Ashley, Eston, Alexis, Yang Kai, Harrison
Kusum shared lab's work at the Murray State University.
Eston received the Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship to pursue ENDY doctoral degree. Congratulations and welcome to the group.
Marvin joined the group for summer REU research. Welcome to Fayetteville.
We resumed our annual lab lunch to celebrate Renee's defense, Alexis's qualifying exam, and to welcome Marvin to the group. Thank you for your hard work everyone! It was great to see everyone out of the Zoom Screen.
Kusum participated in the Girls in STEM workshop organized by the museum of discovery in Little Rock.
Yang joined the group as MS student. Welcome to the group!
New year started with uploading videos from last semester's ecology class. Here is the link to our YouTube Channel EcologyTalks if you are interested in watching more.
Our recent work shows that logging and forest conversion significantly affect soil microbial diversity and can have lasting effects on carbon cycling in tropical montane forests.
Our recent work estimated first decadal (2006 – 2015) sediment deficit for coastal Louisiana based on field data.
Our recent work shows that using nests with paper liners may accelerate pollinator population establishment and propagation in commercial orchards.
Alexis received the Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship to pursue ENDY doctoral degree. Congratulations and welcome to the group!
Kusum participated in NEON Workshop as guest speaker.
Renee, Megan, JB, and Kusum presented in the ESA Meeting.
Renee successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations!
Virtual celebration and our best wishes for her future!
New year started with uploading all of the videos from last semester's ecology class. Here is the link to our YouTube Channel EcologyTalks if you are interested in watching more.
Rico and Tico Take on the World!
Our General Ecology students (Melodey and Joseph) published their Ecology Media Project as children's book and stopped by to give me a copy of it. You made my day!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2020!
Congratulations Renee!
Renee received the Professor Delbert Swartz Graduate Fellowship for outstanding performance in research and teaching. 2019 ended on a good note.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Congratulations Megan!
Megan had a productive summer fieldwork and a fantastic start of the fall semester with the NSF-Intern Award. She is working with the Environmental Defense Fund to learn about sustainable agriculture and supply chain management.
Congratulations Ayanna!
Ayanna had a great summer, participated in the NEON-TERENO Workshop, received the NEON Early Career Fellowship to attend the Ecological Society of America Meeting and helped Megan in fieldwork.
BioQUEST/QUBES Summer Workshop
Kusum attended BioQUEST/QUBES summer 2019 workshop on data science. Evolution of Data in the Classroom: From Data to Data Science
10th IALE World Congress
Kusum presented Borneo sustainable agroforestry work at 10th IALE World Congress.
End of another successful semester! Thank you for working hard everyone.
Congratulations to Connor and Elizabeth for graduating with honors. We wish you luck & happiness for your life after UofA.
Read our recent paper on human-elephant conflict management.
Shaffer L. J., Khadka K. K., Van Den Hoek J. & Naithani K. J. (2019) Human-Elephant Conflict: A Review of Current Management Strategies and Future Directions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:235.
Read our latest paper on how soil microbes act as indicator of wetland condition.
Moon J. B., Wardrop D. H., Smithwick E. A. H. & Naithani K. J. (2019) Fine-scale spatial homogenization of microbial habitats: a multivariate index of headwater wetland complex condition. Ecological Applications. 29(1), e0181.
Ayanna St. Rose
Ayanna joined the group as a doctoral student. Welcome to the group!
Please fill the survey if you are interested in plants and environment measurements.