Codling moth

Improving codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) control by developing and evaluating a Bayesian flight model for Pennsylvania apple orchards

2010 State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania Research Grant

Neel Joshi (PI), Larry Hull, Ed Rajotte, Greg Krawczyk, Kusum Naithani


Apple production in Pennsylvania currently ranks fourth nationally. However, apple crop is heavily impacted by a number of challenges, including damage caused by various internal fruit feeding pests such as the codling moth (CM) and oriental fruit moth (OFM). This project aims to model the CM flight patterns and quantify associated uncertainty in our predictions using a data-model fusion approach and will improve management of apple orchards.



  • Joshi N. K., Hull L. A., Rajotte E. G., Krawczyk G. & Naithani K. J. Codling moth flight models differ between commercial and abandoned apple orchards. The 58th annual Entomological Society of America meeting, San Diego CA, USA. Dec. 12-15. Poster
  • Joshi N. K., Hull L. A., Rajotte E. G., Krawczyk G. & Naithani K. J. Comparative studies on Codling moth flight models in commercial and abandoned apple orchard. Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada & British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Oct. 31-Nov. 3. Talk